The Bartholomew Alumni Association was formed to provide a way of keeping in touch and formalising the relationship that exists when you move on to pastures new.
As a former student or member of staff, you remain part of the Bartholomew Community as our alumni and you are always welcome back to give career talks or offer mentorship to students interested in following a similar path. We value this connection and hope that it offers you benefits as you progress in your career.
To keep in touch, complete the form below, which gives us permission to safely store and use your contact details as set out in our privacy policy. You can withdraw this consent at any time by emailing your request to: alumni@bartholomew.epatrust.org
We hope to grow our Alumni Association over time to include events and fundraising. If you have any suggestions or would like to help be involved please get in touch.
You can keep updated with news about Bartholomew School by following us on X and LinkedIn or by viewing our termly newsletters.
If you wish volunteer or make a charitable donation to the School, please get in touch to find out how you can help with our fundraising goals.
Join the Bartholomew Alumni Association
"An Alumni Association should bring opportunities for year groups to meet together every once in a while and hold events for them. I would be very happy to come back to the school and give talks to share my experience of a levels, applying to oxbridge, UCAs or just about my subject or field"