Reporting to Parents
We see a successful education as a partnership between parents, carers, students and school and value all contact with you. As well as the ongoing pastoral support your child will receive at Bartholomew School, we will communicate with you more formally at several stages during the year.
Snapshot Reports
Formal reports are sent home three times a year, for all year groups. They include: information on students’ target levels or grades, current levels or grades, whether they are on course to meet their targets, and advice to help them reach their targets. They also include an indication of students’ attitude to learning, broken down into: behaviour for learning, quality of work and independent learning. The final report of the year also includes a summary comment by the student’s form tutor, which focuses on progress and personal development.
Parent Consultation Evenings (PCE)
In addition to snapshot reports, parents and carers are also invited to a Parent Consultation Evening once a year, giving the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with subject teachers. The dates of the PCEs can be found on the website calendar.
Parents' Evening meetings take place via videocall using our virtual platform, SchoolCloud, which is intuitive and easy to use (please see the guide below and use the Quick Link on our homepage to log in). Please ensure you are able to log in and contact us if you have any issues. We will send a letter of invitation to the PCE one week in advance email, which will also be uploaded to our Letters Home page. Bookings generally open that day at 5.00pm and closing at midday the day before the event.
If you are unable to attend or book meetings with a teacher for whom you have a specific question, you can contact them via the office email, office.4054@bartholomew.epatrust.org. A Parents/Carers Guide to SchoolCloud