Governing Body

Bartholomew School has a Local Governing Body (LGB) comprising director appointed governors, elected parent governors, elected staff governors and the headteacher.

Information about the EPA Trust (‘the Trust’)

The LGB is a committee of the EPA Trust (the Trust) and has responsibilities delegated to it via the Trust Scheme of Delegation. The LGB currently meets nine times a year, and Governors also have link roles and are involved in smaller working groups, which monitor different areas of the School’s performance. Meetings take place in the evenings and, where possible, Governors are also encouraged to visit school a few times a year during the school day to gain knowledge about the day-to-day culture and ethos and to see how policies and strategies works in practice.

The three key roles of the Governing Body are:

  • strategic leadership 
  • accountability and assurance
  • strategic engagement

Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day operation of the School. They are “eyes on, hands off" and work to improve outcomes for every student at Bartholomew School.

The Local Governors of Bartholomew School agree that boards should aim to reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Having a range of voices around the table should promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people. Governors are selected in a variety of ways, with parent and staff governors being elected by the parent and staff communities respectively. We will continue to advertise any such vacancies as widely as possible (including on this page and in parent newsletters), to encourage applications from across these communities, and to support all those who put themselves forwards for these positions.

Director appointed governors are selected and approached by the Governing Body and appointed by the EPA Directors. We regularly undertake skills audits and look at many aspects of the ethos and composition of the board, including considerations of religion, ethnicity, etc. These discussions are used to inform our recruitment and training needs and to ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to the relatively small size of our governing body, we do not publish diversity data online as individual governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Governors' Business Interests and Attendance

News and Updates from the governors

The Chair of Governors, Lucy Dickinson, writes an update for the end of term newsletter. For the most recent update please click on the image below and for previous issues go to our Newsletters pageLetters from the governing body can be found on our Letters Home page (please select 'Governors' from the filter list).

Chair of governors news term 2 december 2023

Becoming a Governor

Shape the future of our young people

All our governor positions are currently filled, new positions will be advertised here when they become available.Bartholomew School Governors Code of Practice

Contact the Chair of Governors

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email:

Governor Profiles

Lucy dickinson


Chair of Governors

Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office

December 2022 – December 2026

Currently self-employed as a Clerk to the Governors, as well as doing freelance environmental, educational and publishing-related consultancy. Academic background in Chemistry, with several years’ experience in science publishing, and grants administration

Links to the school/area

Lives in Eynsham and has one child at Bartholomew School
Why did you become a governor?

Having both a professional and personal interest in good School Governance, I joined the Bartholomew Governors in 2014 in order to help support and challenge the school in providing the best possible opportunities for all students. I became Chair in September 2021, and also Chair the EPA steering group on Climate and Biodiversity

Tessa ford


Vice-Chair of Governors

Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office 

February 2020 – February 2024


Mainly retired but continue to work as School Improvement Adviser to some schools in West Berkshire

Links to the school/area

I was previously a parent governor at Eynsham Primary School and enjoyed that involvement. Having recently retired from working as a School Improvement Adviser I keen to make best use of my knowledge and skills to support the school in my community

Jane Osbourne


Category of Governor

Director Appointed

Term of office

September 2020 - August 2024. First appointed pre-2014


Retired Teacher
Links to the school/area

All four of my children attended Bartholomew School, during which time I was involved in the work of the PTA. I have been a governor for many years, some of which included being the Chair of Governors

Why did you become a governor?

To support the school in providing the best possible education for the children and young people in its community

Gavin robinson


Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office

February 2023 – February 2027. First appointed 2011


Chartered Accountant and Corporate Treasurer by profession. Since 1991 I have worked in different roles and in different locations for a FTSE 250 listed Industrial and Electronic Components Distributor. I’m currently in the Corporate Development area

Links to the school/area

 Lives in Eynsham
Why did you become a governor?

Having settled in Eynsham in 2009, I wanted to be more involved in the local community. In early 2011, when I saw that Bartholomew School was looking for new governors, and in particular one with finance experience, I saw this as a great way to use my professional knowledge to help drive an exceptional educational experience for the young people in our community

Head photo


Category of governor

Bartholomew School Headteacher

Harry copson


Category of Governor

Staff Governor

Term of office 

February 2022 – February 2026


Teacher of Geography, Sociology and History and Assistant Pastoral Lead (APL)
Links to the school/area

Apart from my undergraduate degree at Nottingham University I have always lived in Oxfordshire and did my teacher training in Oxford too. I have lived in various parts of the county and now work at Bartholomew

Why did you become a governor? 

To represent the views of day-to-day staff and students to the governing body in the hope of making it an even better place to work and study

FEP (1)


Category of governor

Parent Governor

Term of office 

May 2019 – May 2023


Financial Adviser, Paton Financial Planning (Principal) / St James’s Place (Authorised Representative)
Chartered Accountant (UK & Australia), partner with PwC

Links to the school/area

My parents moved to Eynsham in 1983, so I have lived here on & off since then. I moved back to live here permanently in July 2018.I have two sets of twins; my eldest two attend Bartholomew School

Why did you become a governor? 

I am keen to represent the parents at the Governor meetings and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to the continual success of the school. I believe that my professional experience, along with my strong commitment to the school, would enable me to make a significant positive contribution and add value to the school governing body

Janine broome


Category of governor

Parent Governor

Term of office 

May 2021 – May 2025


Head of Strategic Initiatives and Company Secretary (RAF Brize Norton)

Links to the school/area

We moved to Eynsham from London in 2011. We have 2 sons who both attended Eynsham Community Primary School where I was a member of the PTA for 10 years, including a few years as Secretary. I was a founder member of the Eynsham Good Neighbour Network, and I am Secretary of Eynsham Choral Society

Why did you become a governor? 

When my younger son joined Bartholomew in September 2021, I felt the time was right to support the senior school more. I want to represent a parent’s view in the TLO committee and the wider governing body. There are some interesting crossovers with my Company Secretary position at work - I use relevant knowledge in my role with the school. I enjoy learning more about the challenges and successes of the school 

Jo feehily


Category of governor

Parent Governor

Term of office

Category of governor


I am a Programme Lead and Principal Lecturer in higher education. I manage postgraduate provision in marketing. I have worked in higher education for 22 years in a range of business-related subject areas and I research in coaching and mentoring. In my early career, I worked in public sector marketing and PR

Links to the school/area

Both of my children attend Bartholomew and I have lived in Long Hanborough since 2007

Why did you become a governor?

I would like to support the school in achieving the best outcomes for the children of the community

Nicole evans


Category of governor

Parent Governor

Term of office 

November 2022 – November 2026


Self-employed, working with local letting agents providing property reports and inspections, ensuring property safety compliance

Links to the school/area

Both of my children currently attend Bartholomew School

Why did you become a governor?

Having been active in my children’s primary school, I put myself forward as a parent governor at Bartholomew School, soon after my youngest joined the School, aiming to offer a parent’s viewpoint. I prioritise Health & Safety and advocate for student wellbeing, behaviour, and attendance. I wanted to contribute to a safe, supportive environment, where every student can thrive academically and emotionally

Daryl black


Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office 

February 2023 – February 2025


Director of theatrical charity and freelance Theatre Producer (20 years) working across the South East. Each large-scale production offers paid work placement opportunities to students in their final year of university/ college and I work closely with these colleges in ensuring that the students graduate with the relevant knowledge for careers in the theatre industry. Prior to this I was an actress working in theatre, television, film and radio

Links to the school/area

Has lived in Eynsham for 20 years

Why did you become a governor?

Having been Chair of the PTA and Annual Fund at Oxford High School for 15 years and passionate about education, I felt that I would like to be involved in the continued success of Bartholomew School in ensuring that young people are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential

Image to follow


Category of governor

Parent Governor

Term of office  Profile to follow
Links to the school/area  

Why did you become a governor?


Berny auton


Category of governor

Director Appointed
Term of office 

November 2023 - September 2027


I work as an artist from my studio in Abingdon including facilitating the occasional workshop and classes. I also coach Young People on job applications, interview preparation and career progression.  I volunteer as a Mentor with abandofbrothers and am supporting Oxfordshire Youth to help them move to new premises. All the above being a deliberate switch from a corporate career in management consultancy and technology businesses around the world

Links to the school/area

I was introduced to Eynsham Partnership Academy by Governors for Schools. I have lived in Oxfordshire for 23 years and have friends in Eynsham whose children attend, or used to attend, Bartholomew

Why did you become a governor?

Learning and Development have been extremely important for me and my family. I was an ‘involved' parent at both my daughters’s schools and continue my commitment to education, particularly the importance of the arts, in all its forms, across our community

Governor profile pic rosa arias yague


Category of governor

Parent Governor
Term of office 

December 2023 – December 2027


I am a Sociologist and a facilitator working as an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor at an English charity. I support schools and organisations with training and consultancy work to develop professional environments without prejudice and discrimination. I am a former teacher and Curriculum Manager at an independent school in Oxford

Links to the school/area

I have lived in Eynsham since 2022 and my youngest daughter is attending Bartholomew School since that academic year. I love how dynamic the village is

Why did you become a governor?

I used to be a governor at Bayards Hill Primary School and when I moved to Eynsham, I wanted to contribute with my passion for education and inclusion expertise

Jean blackstock


Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office 

November 2023 - November 2024


Organizational development professional 

Links to the school/area

We moved to Eynsham in 2020 and my daughter currently attends Bartholomew School

Why did you become a governor?

I have a professional interest in leadership and governance and am keen to contribute to the achievement of the School's goals

Image to follow



Category of governor

Director Appointed

Term of office

March 2024 – March 2028


Self-employed medico legal expert witness for medical negligence cases and case manager working with personal injury litigation clients. I have several years of senior management experience and working as an occupational therapist

Links to the school/area

I live in Eynsham and have two children at Bartholomew School

Why did you become a governor?

I have been a Governor at St Peters school Cassington since 2019, with the past 2 years as Chair of Governors. I am keen to combine my Governor experience between primary and secondary school education. I am keen to use my professional background to help to challenge and support the school, to provide the best outcome for students and for the school

Governing Body meetings



Start End Committee Meeting Location

Wed 20th Sept 2023              

19:00 21:00 Bartholomew School LGB results meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 2nd Oct 2023

18:00 19:00   SRFM committee Online

Mon 16th Oct 2023

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Tue 31st Oct 2023

18:00 19:00 Bartholomew School EPA governor induction Online

Wed 15th Nov 2023

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School EPA strategy meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 20th Nov 2023

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Thur 23rd Nov 2023

17:30 19:30   Sixth Form Open Evening Bartholomew School

Thur 30th Nov 2023             

10:30 15:00   Governor visit day Bartholomew School

Mon 18th Dec 2023        

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 5th Feb 2024

18:30 19:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 11th Mar 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 29th Apr 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 17th Jun 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 15th Jul 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)



Start End Committee Meeting Location

Mon 16th Sept 2024               

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting                    Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 14th Oct 2024 

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 18th Nov 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 16th Dec 2024

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 10th Feb 2025

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 24th Mar 2025

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 12th May 2025

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 16th June 2025

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)

Mon 14th July 2025

18:30 20:30 Bartholomew School LGB Meeting Hamilton Centre (Sixth Form Centre)
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