Bartholomew School is a comprehensive secondary school with academy status, belonging to the EPA Trust.
School Contact Details
Headteacher |
Mr Craig Thomas
School address |
Bartholomew School
Witney Road
Oxfordshire, OX29 4AP
Main office telephone number |
01865 881430
Please note our office hours are 8.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday during term time. At other times our office and switchboard are closed.
Main office email address
** Please always use this address when contacting the school, except for absence reporting (see below) **
Chair of Governing Body
Dr Lucy Dickinson
Postal address: c/o Bartholomew School (as above)
Who to contact
Please state your child's forename and surname in any correspondence to the School, thank you.
For general enquiries
Please contact Mrs Suzanne Nobes, Headteacher’s PA at
Alternatively, use our Enquiry Form
For specific subject area queries |
Please contact your child’s subject teacher via our main office email address.
Please clearly state your child’s name and tutor group
For non-subject specific queries
Please contact your child’s tutor via our main office email address.
Please clearly state your child’s name.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Our SENDCo is Mr Ryan Lloyd and he can be contacted via the main office telephone number and/or email address. Please indicate ‘FAO: SENDCo’ in the subject of your message. Alternatively you can contact our Deputy SENDCo, Mrs Jesior-Tiffert. |
To report an absence |
Please notify us if your child is going to be absent from school. You must let us know about each day of their absence.
Please email us as follows:
Alternatively, if you are unable to email us please call: 01865 881430.
To request a replacement bus pass
Please contact Oxfordshire City Council directly via their website. |
If you are a parent/carer of a student at Bartholomew School and require a paper copy of the information on our website we will provide this free of charge.
EPA Contact Details
If you wish to contact the EPA central team they are located at the following address:
Eynsham Partnership Academy, c/o Bartholomew School, Witney Road, Oxfordshire, OX29 4AP
Telephone: 01865 733331 Email: