Welcome to the Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form plays a central role in the everyday life of Bartholomew School. Sixth Form students embody the School’s strong ethos through, for example, their work as Student Counsellors, leading on the School Council, and assisting in the learning development of younger students.
Our key aim in the Sixth Form is to support students in achieving the success they need to pursue their chosen goals. Students are supported through the School’s excellent pastoral care system and are assigned a tutor who monitors their progress and oversees their personal development throughout their time in the Sixth Form.
We have high academic standards and have been delighted with our consistently excellent examination results over a number of years. We pride ourselves on running an inclusive Sixth Form, whilst maintaining results which are amongst the best in the county. These excellent results create the opportunity for students to move on successfully to their choice of university (including Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities), to further training or directly into employment.
In summary, Bartholomew Sixth Form has a huge amount to offer, and gives students the opportunity to develop academically through stimulating and exciting courses, as well as more broadly as individuals through a range of extracurricular activities.
Our next Sixth Form Open Evening takes place on Thursday 21st November 2024.
Find out more about Sixth Form Admissions 2025 & book to join our Open Evening
At Bartholomew School all lessons are taught within dedicated subject areas by highly qualified and experienced staff. We have a modern Sixth Form Study Centre which is used as a timetabled space for our students to work. An ICT network room is provided for Sixth Form students, along with a number of specific work rooms which allow students the space and environment to study during non-contact time. A café-style work and relaxation area is also available for Sixth Form students during the day.
Our results at Key Stage 5 are consistently excellent. In the 2023-24 academic year, over 90% of our Year 13 students applying to university made successful UCAS applications, with 47% of those securing places at Oxbridge and other Russell Group institutions. Students were also supported in successful progression to further training or employment.
As in the rest of the School, pastoral care in the Sixth Form is at the core of our students’ experience at Bartholomew School as the welfare of our students is one of our fundamental priorities. The Form Tutor is the first point of contact if there are any problems or if a subject teacher or parents has any concerns. Form Tutors meet all their students daily and also meet with students more formally on a one-to-one basis on a number of occasions during the year. This tutor-student link is a vital and essential factor in ensuring the success and welfare of the students. We also have a Head of Year 12 and a Head of Year 13 along with a Sixth Form Pastoral Support Worker who is on hand throughout the day to support students should they require it.
We believe that close monitoring of our students’ progress is essential to their success. Three times each year, ‘Snapshot’ reports go home to parents with details of each student’s progress. Part way through the year, parents are invited to come in and meet with the Director of Sixth Form and all the tutors to discuss the coming year. At the beginning of the third term, parents meet subject teachers to discuss progress and identify possible areas of focus for students in preparation for their summer examinations. We also run a supportive review system within the Sixth Form which enables us to support students at times during the year. Parents are always kept aware of this process.
The Sixth Form Senior Team, led by three Student Presidents, is very much at the forefront of ensuring that students have a good balance between their academic and social life. They manage an Instagram account, organise many social events and activities, which have traditionally included a Halloween-themed event, a very popular Christmas party and the impressive Year 13 Leavers’ Dinner. The Sixth Form hold a five-a-side football tournament, known as the ‘Berry Hall’, every Friday, which is extremely popular with students.
Sixth Form students at Bartholomew School benefit from a wide range of enrichment opportunities, for example:
- Sixth Form Senior Team, including the Student Presidents (elected by other students and staff), who are a vital voice within the school
- Contribution to the School’s ‘Student Voice’
- Community Sports Leadership Award (CSLA)
- Model United Nations General Assembly (MUNGA)
- Making A Difference (MAD) week
- Young Enterprise
- STEM Ambassadors programme with links to Siemens
- Student Mentoring and becoming a Student Counsellor (including receiving specialised training), working supportively with younger students
- Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in a subject of the student’s choice
- Literacy & Numeracy Ambassadors
- The Senior Maths Challenge
- Subject enhancement trips
- Study days
- Music clubs and activities
- Whole school drama productions
- Wide ranging talks from visting experts, such as those who are part of the Speakers for Schools programme
- Bespoke careers information and advice
- Work experience programme
Students applying for entry to the Bartholomew School Sixth Form are expected to achieve a minimum of 38 points in their eight highest GCSEs, for example four Grade 4, two Grade 5 and two Grade 6 GCSEs. Using the previous grading system, this would have been the equivalent of four C Grades and four B Grades. This should include a minimum of Grade 5 in both English Language and Mathematics GCSE, however, we may accept Grade 4 in these subjects in individual circumstances. Please note that many A Level subjects have further specific entry requirements, details of which can be found on the subject pages of our prospectus.
It is expected that in Year 12 most students will choose three courses to study, although some with very high GCSE grades will be able to take four subjects. In addition, students will be required to complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which will help them to develop skills required after Sixth Form.
It is important that the subjects chosen for study are appropriate for students’ intended post-Sixth Form plans; for example, some degree courses require particular subjects or subject combinations. All current Year 11 students at Bartholomew School will be seen by a senior member of staff, to discuss the viability and advisability of their subject combination, prior to completing their subject choices. Furthermore, tutors and senior staff will meet with, and advise, students prior to a final decision on course choices being made in September.
Students choosing the BTEC qualifications will also need to meet entry requirements. These are clearly highlighted in the subject specific pages within the prospectus.
16-19 Bursary Fund
Personal data is processed by Bartholomew School in accordance with our Privacy Notice (available on our website), and with all applicable data protection legislation, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation 2021 and the Data Protection Act 2018
16-19 Bursary Fund - Financial Support for Students 2024-2025
We would like all Sixth Form parents and carers to be aware of a government-funded bursary scheme, designed to help the most vulnerable 16- to 19-year-olds in full-time education. It aims to provide financial support to help students overcome specific financial barriers to participation so that they can remain in education. The kind of support the scheme can provide includes transport, books, equipment, field trips and other course-related costs, and costs associated with attending university interviews and open days. It will also cover the provision of a daily school meal.
There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:
- Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups (for example, those that are in care, are care leavers, or receiving support such as Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments)
- Discretionary bursaries (students whose household incomes are £30,000 or less may qualify for support from this fund)
For full details about the 16 to 19 Bursary, please follow this link to our Bartholomew School 16-19 Bursary Policy.
If you believe that your son/daughter may qualify for either kind of bursary, please do contact us so that we can explore your individual case further. In the first instance, please email sixthform@bartholomew.epatrust.org to check their eligibility for a bursary. We will then link you with our School Business Manager who will contact you to explore which supporting evidence would be needed in order to take forward your enquiry. This might include:
- UC / DLA / PIP award notice for the ‘defined vulnerable group’ bursary
- P60 and/or Tax Credit/Universal Credit Notification
- P45 (if applicable)
- Proof of Disability allowance (if applicable)
- Proof of Housing Allowance (if applicable)
- Statement of Earnings (if self-employed)
Please note that any bursary applications and evidence submitted will be treated in the strictest confidence.
We would like to ensure that this fund is able to reach all students who are eligible, to support them in their Sixth Form journey.