Lost Property
Bartholomew School Lost Property Procedure
All items of clothing worn at school should be clearly named with the student’s first name and surname. Additionally, where possible, any personal belongings should also be clearly named.
The school cannot accept responsibility for items that are misplaced. It is your child's responsibility to look after their personal belongings at all times and to make all effort to locate them if they go missing.
Any items of lost property found on school premises are taken to Reception.
If your child has lost their school bus pass, please go to our contact page for details on arranging a replacement.
How to claim an item of lost property
If your child has lost an item they should come to Reception and speak to a member of the Reception team. If an item of school PE kit is missing they should check, in the first instance, with a member of the PE department.
Each week, items of non-school uniform that have arrived at Reception are photographed and uploaded to this page. If you spot an item that belongs to your child then please contact reception on: 01865 881430
Items can be claimed at any time during the academic year.
Items that are not named or claimed
- School uniform will be washed and taken over to The Hub where it will be stored.
- PE kits will be given to the PE department where they will be washed and stored.
- Outdoor coats and non-uniform items of clothing will be stored in an area away from Reception by a member of the Reception team.
- Personal items such as gloves, scarves, water bottles, glasses, pencil cases, etc. will be kept in Reception and displayed on view of the student entrance. If these items are not claimed after a period of two weeks they will be removed from view and stored within Reception.
- Valuable items such as jewellery, watches and any cash found on school premises and brought to Reception will be labelled with the date and location of when and where the item was found and stored in a locked safe. Photos of jewellery & watches will not be displayed on the school website.
Any items of un-named lost property that have not been claimed by the end of the academic year will, where appropriate, be given to a local charity.
Last updated 14.02.2025